Wrapping up your year at work: 3 things every worker should do.

Whether you’re happy with your job or looking for a change, the following three tips will help you wrap up the year well and head into the new year with confidence.

Read on to discover how to stay up-to-date with what’s happening in your sector and start next year ahead of the game.

Update your CV and LinkedIn profile

Yes, you read that correctly – now is a good time to update your CV, even if you’re happy with your job.

It’s so easy to forget about those professional development courses you completed or supervision milestones you reached, but these are often important experiences to note on your CV.

Skim through the year’s calendar to identify any particularly valuable training you were involved in, then add these to your CV and LinkedIn profile.

Be sure to note any new qualifications you’ve received or changes to your current role – including the month, not just the year.

Even if you just have time to jot down some brief notes, your future self will thank you the next time you’re applying for a job.

Catch up with industry contacts

Apart from the opportunity to reminisce about old bosses or shared work experiences together, keeping up with former colleagues can help you stay up to date with the latest developments in your industry.

Even if it’s just a coffee every six months or so, maintaining those relationships will give you the inside scoop on what other employees in your sector are experiencing, and similar positions that are available.

This can give you insights into whether your own remuneration package (salary as well as other benefits) is up to date with industry standards, providing evidence you can take to any pay negotiations you may have with your own employer.

And since more hires are made via personal contacts rather than cold applications to advertisements, those contacts can prove valuable down the track if you are ever looking for a change.

Of course, the flip side is also true – you might just find that your old colleague might be looking for a new role, and they’d be a perfect fit in your current team. Win-win!

Keeping up is easier than ever in this digital age – so jump onto your socials and shoot your former colleagues a quick hello!

Speak to a recruiter in your industry

Our team of consultants at Be. Recruitment is always happy to offer free advice on the roles currently available in your sector, and how your current role compares in terms of conditions and benefits.

We can also advise on the latest salary benchmarking statistics so you can find out what else is happening in the social care space and whether your current employer is giving you a good deal or not.

Plus, we’ll tell you which qualifications employers are currently looking for, so you can upskill to stay ahead of the game if you don’t already hold these. Or maybe you do, and it’s time you realise what hot property you are!

Whether you’re looking to move or just want to stay informed about what’s going on across your industry, these three steps will help you wrap up the year to put you in the best stead for the next.

Get in touch today for a free and confidential conversation about your role and how it compares to other similar positions in your sector.

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